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- Spirit of Wolf Netherlands | Izih-Deer-Kam
Spirit of Wolf - Nederland In 2020 kwam de Wolf voor het eerst naar Nederland toe, in de vorm van de net geïnitieerde sjamaan Izih Deer Kam (Mirjam), vanuit Oostenrijk (sjamaan Morsuk). Izih Kam heeft de traditie hier in Nederland wortels gegeven door haar te onderwijzen aan studenten en hier voor het eerst kamlanie (vuurrritueel) uit te voeren voor geïnteresseerden. Daarmee opende zich ook het eerst kantoor van Spirit of Wolf in Nederland. Vanuit dit kantoor coördineert Izih Kam de onderwijzing en verspreiding van de traditie in Nederland en is daarmee hoofd van de Nederlandse community en het gezicht van Spirit of Wolf internationaal. Spirit of Wolf zet zich in voor het behoud van het oeroude erfgoed van de sjamanistische cultuur en de waarden die daarmee verbonden zijn, zowel intercultureel als wereldwijd. Wij zijn toegewijd aan het creëren van bewustzijn, respect voor de planeet, Moeder Aarde en alles wat leeft: we staan voor respect en tolerantie in intermenselijke relaties. Respect voor de Grote Geest en de gehele schepping - voor een mooi en leefbaar heden en een toekomst in dienst van de mensheid en onze kinderen. Wij zijn de brug naar de voorouders en laten de oude lijn doorvloeien in deze nieuwe tijd. We staan voor spirituele vrijheid en self-empowerment door directe en persoonlijke, diepgaande ervaring. Wij staan voor vriendschap, menselijkheid en eren diversiteit als een andere uitdrukking van de grote geest. Wij staan voor de verantwoordelijkheid nemen in al onze daden, en ze afstemmen in liefde en respect voor de planeet. Wij staan voor waarheid en helderheid in eerbied voor de heilige wetten van de natuur en het universum. Wij zijn allen broeders en zuster onder dezelfde hemel. We creëren een netwerk over de hele planeet van sjamanen en sjamanistische beoefenaars die op dezelfde, traditionele manier werken. We houden rituelen in coördinatie met elke nieuwe en volle maan om onze omgeving te helen, onszelf en mensen die hulp nodig hebben en tegelijkertijd dragen we bij om onze mishandelde Aarde Moeder te helpen met regeneratie. We activeren vergeten krachtplaatsen in de natuur of creëren nieuwe plekken waar men zich kan laven aan de energie. Het netwerk omvat de leden van de gemeenschap "Spirit of Wolf" en vrienden. Wij samen, ongeacht afkomst van cultuur, land of afkomst, wij zijn de beschermers van de Aarde en de Kinderen van de Hemel. Onze voorouders leefden vele duizenden jaren in nauw contact met de natuur. Wij zijn niet alleen een deel van de natuur, wij zijn de natuur. De wijsheid om met haar om te gaan ligt sluimerend in onderbewuste, in ons geplant via onze voorouders. Wij moeten dit weten weer wakker maken. Het is onze taak en onze heilige plicht om de natuur als onze grote moeder te erkennen en te respecteren. Tegelijkertijd moeten wij de technische verworvenheden van de moderne wereld leren verstandig te gebruiken. Wij moeten opnieuw een persoonlijke band aangaan met de geest van het land en de natuur uitnodigen om zich in onze ziel te wortelen. We streven ernaar om de planeet helpen het evenwicht te herstellen om verdere verwoestending en rampen te voorkomen. Het is onze plicht als mens. Geschiedenis Spirit of Wolf Spirit of Wolf is in 2010 opgericht door de Sjamaan Karagai Kam in Chakassië, Siberië. Spirit of Wolf vloeit voort uit zijn familielijn, Karagai is erfsjamaan; zijn grootvader was sjamaan en zo verder, 7 generatie terug voor zover we uit de familiekronieken kunnen halen. In het begin was de gemeenschap vooral regionaal actief om zich in te zetten voor de genezing van mensen die hulp en begeleiding zochten. Met der tijd kwamen er steeds meer leden bij en het werkterrein verspreidde zich van Abakan/Siberië naar grote delen van Rusland, waaronder Moskou en St.Petersburg. In 2012, in combinatie met eerste buitenlandse leerling van Karagai: Morsuk Kam (Günther Kreuzer) heeft de geest van de wolf zich verder verspreid over het continent tot in het hart van Europa. In Rusland bereidde de leden zich uit en ondertussen werden in Europa ook voortdurend Nieuwe en Volle Maan rituelen gehouden in de vorm van kamlanie om het publiek ermee kennis te laten maken. Een heropleving van oude krachtplaatsen en een netwerk van gelijkgestemden vond op grote schaal plaats. In 2019 opende de eerste sjamanistische healingpraktijk van "Spirit of Wolf" buiten Rusland: in Oostenrijk. In 2019 bezocht Morsuk Kam voor het eerst het Festival van de Archaïsche Cultuur in Estland, sindsdien is er een samenwerking met de organisatoren en bewoners van het archaïsche centrum, waaronder Morsuk's student Arjaana Kam en anderen die ook lid zijn van de gemeenschap en de Spirit of Wolf levend houden. In Estland zijn er verschillende genezingspraktijken die werken in de traditie van de wolfgeest. In 2020 opende de leerling van Morsuk Kam, Mirjam Van Donselaar (Izih deer Kam) een Spirit of Wolf kantoor in Nederland en werd daar een regionale Spirit of Wolf groep opgericht. De gemeenschap werd tevens in 2020 publiekelijk erkend in Oostenrijk. In 2022 trok de stichter en initiatiefnemer Karagai Kam zich terug m.b.t. zijn activiteiten in de gemeenschap en droeg het ambt van internationaal president van Spirit of Wolf, inclusief Rusland, over aan Morsuk Kam. Een verdere verspreiding van de traditie over de hele wereld vindt op dit moment plaats en het erfgoed van het oude sjamanisme en archaïsche cultuur wordt bewaard en uitgevoerd voor een positieve toekomst in liefdevol respect voor moeder aarde en al haar kinderen. Doel van onze vorm van sjamanisme is om mensen te helpen en de Aarde en haar schepsels zo goed mogelijk tot dienst te zijn. Alle sjamanen die worden opgeleid worden geacht zelfstandig te kunnen werken, zonder guru-cult achtige tafrelen; persoonlijke bekrachtiging en vrijheid is voor ons van groot belang. Eeuwenoude traditie De traditie waarin de gemeenschap zich bevindt is het sjamanisme in zijn zuivere vorm. Het is de klassieke vorm van sjamanisme uit Siberië, niet beïnvloed door religie zoals boeddhisme o.d. Sjamanistische kracht en instructies worden in een generatielijn overgedragen van leraar op leerling. Beoefenaars weten hoe te werken met de krachten van hun omgeving en hun eigen voorouderlijke lijn, ongeacht waar je bent of uit welke cultuur je komt. De natuur is het verbindende element en is de wortel, waardoor het heel goed mogelijk is om over de hele wereld op dezelfde manier te werken zonder een beroep te doen op uitheemse, onbekende krachten. Wij openen 9 niveaus van inwijding die in verband staan met de ervaring van de beoefenaar. De hoogste instanties zijn echter niet de fysieke leraren, maar het leven en de spirits zelf. Maar de fysieke leraar is wel degelijk van essentieel belang. Door de leraar-student relatie vindt een overdracht van kracht van de sjamanistische lijn plaats en staat de student onder spirituele bescherming om zo zijn directe omgeving tot dienst te zijn. De sjamanistische praktijk is in directe interactie met de heilige elementen en de bezielde natuur. De herkomst van deze vorm van sjamanisme kan worden gedateerd op ongeveer 60.000 jaar. De specifieke vorm die in de gemeenschap tot uiting komt kan 500 jaar terug worden getraceerd in de familie van Karagai Kam, verder bewijs ligt in het ongewisse. Lidmaatschap en training Wanneer je lid wilt worden van de community, stuur je een mail naar Izih Deer Kam om kennis te maken - dit het liefst live. Hier zal je namelijk ook 1-op-1 jouw fundamenten gaan leren binnen deze traditie. Jouw sjamanistische training begint namelijk meteen nadat je in Spirit of Wolf bent opgenomen, na goedkeuring van lidmaatschap. Deze goedkeuring gebeurt nadat je een motivatiebrief geschreven hebt en deze hebt opgestuurd naar het hoofd van onze community: Morsuk Kam. Wat hier in komt te staan kun je met Izih bespreken of kijk op de reguliere, engelstalig website . Wanneer je lid geworden bent zul je met regelmaat zelf de rituelen (kamlanie) uitvoeren en hierin mensen die om hulp vragen mee gaan nemen, verbonden met de gemeenschap in de andere landen. De internationale chatgroep is er voor jou om vragen te stellen en om je verder te helpen in verbinding met de andere leden, dit zijn sjamanistisch beoefenaars en sjamanen. Voorlopig zal de basis in de praktijk worden gebracht met behulp van de wolven en de leraar: in Nederland en België kun je bij Izih terecht. Soms is er de mogelijkheid voor verdiepende 1-1 online lessen met Morsuk Kam of bij anderen of ook verdiepende cursussen, modules en andere trainingen, de nadruk ligt om jou zelfstandig werkend te maken. Kijk hiervoor op deze website of die van Spirit of Wolf of van Shaman Morsuk. Kijk voor het actuele aanbod van Izih Kam op haar trainingswebsite: www.belewitte.com en kijk bij "aanbod". Meer weten? Mail naar: Spiritofwolfnederland@gmail.com
- Contact | Izih-Deer-Kam
CONTACT E-mail: oervrouw.witteraaf@gmail.com Working hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Message received! Send Dit formulier accepteert geen inzendingen meer.
- Healing Circles NL | Izih-Deer-Kam
Spirit of Wolf NL Healing Circle Vanuit Spirit of Wolf Nederland organiseert shamanka Izih Deer Kam een healing circle voor meerdere deelnemers. Dit is een oeroud ritueel waarin meerdere mensen plaatsnemen in het heilige veld, en daar benaderd worden door 1 of meerdere sjamanen en hun geesten, om een cleaning, herbalancering en helingstechnieken te ontvangen. Het is een lang en intensief ritueel waarbij er continue een veld wordt hooggehouden van healing en regeneratie door de aanwezige sjamanen of boefenaars en de deelnemers. Om de beurt neemt er een deelnemers plaats in het midden om daar de heling te ontvangen. De middag wordt ingeleid door uitgebreid uitleg te geven, kennis te maken en wat voorwerk te doen. Na afloop van het ritueel zal er gelegenheid zijn om te gronden, te integreren van wat er verschoven is en vindt er een zegening plaats. Er is een gezamenlijke afsluiting waarin gelegenheid is om ervaringen te delen en vragen te stellen en eventueel een individuele sessie te doen (daar is tijd voor tot 17.30uur) Na afloop krijg je tips mee om thuis door te gaan om jezelf te balanceren, herverbinden en je leven weer richting te geven. Voor wie is het? Voor als je: - je vaak moe voelt - door een heftige tijd bent heengegaan en een nieuw begin zoekt - kampt met onverklaarbare fysieke klachten - rouwt - weer wilt verbinden met je diepste zelf - last hebt van angsten of zwaarmoedigheid - gewoonten zoals verslaving wilt loslaten - steun wilt Aanwezige shamanka's: Izih Deer Kam, Chyltys Kam Aanwezige leden van Spirit of Wolf Nederland en in opleiding: Michelle en Danielle Datum: 16 juli 2023 Tijd: 13.30u tot 16.30u Prijs: €39,00, bij laag inkomen: €27.00, bij extra laag inkomen maar hoge nood: stuur een bericht voor overleg. Dit is inclusief een vega hapje en drankje (thee). Locatie: the Heart of Gaia, Zeist Parkeren kan makkelijk aan de overkant. Aanmelden: via de mail is verplicht! : izihkam@belewitte.com
- Oracle & Consult | Izih-Deer-Kam
Individual Shamanic Consultation Spirit of Wolf office, in Haastrecht An individual consultation involves looking at your issue together in a session of about one hour. It is purposeful and this can be in person, by phone or online (skype/Zoom). In classical shamanism, it is common to look for the cause of a particular problem, physical complaint or repeated disruptive theme in life in various ways through conversation, as well as divination such as the use of the tarot, dream analysis, bone oracle, the shamanic mirror and contact with the helper-spirits of the person in question. These techniques tell something about the questioner's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and different 'bodies' are distinguished that interact and connect with each other. For example, these questions can be about: - health: physical, energetic - relationships/family/system/ ancestors/love - life mission/fate/career/work What can a shamanic consultation give more information about? - trauma - entanglements in the ancestral field/ family tree - harmful, energetic connections - blockages in the energy field of the energetic body To resolve these issues, we will schedule a shamanic healing session or in the consultation I will make something for you to take home directly, like an amulet or give you a stone or exercise. Of course I also use my knowledge as an Applied Psychologist and refer you if I think this is wise. This consultation is never a substitute for a doctor, physiotherapist or psychiatrist. I always give you something to work on independently afterwards and am available for further questions after our contact. Oracles used: tarot, huvaanak, bone oracle, shamanic mirror oracle and milk oracle. Are you tight on money? Send me a message anyway. There is always something to discuss. tel +310614932229 Online Consultation - 60 min: € 73.50 incl. VAT Personal consultation at the practice in Haastrecht - 60 min: € 75.50 incl. VAT One-time input question for oracle, explanation via WhatsApp: €25.00 incl. VAT
- ~ Energetic Treatment | Izih-Deer-Kam
Energetic Treatment An energetic treatment is a treatment based on a certain complaint, which I try to alleviate or even heal through the laying on of hands (Reiki and/or Magnetizing). It is a specific way to remove blockages in the energetic body and to add energy. This energy is the life force that all living beings, humans and animals, possess and is connected to Heaven and Earth. I am, as it were, a hollow bone, through which this energy can flow unhindered through the client and which ensures that the self-healing capacity of the client is activated. An energetic treatment affects the energetic body and therefore also the physical body and the mind. We are not just our body, we are a holistic being where everything is connected. The treatment is not a substitute for treatment for a doctor, but can be a supplement or speed up healing. So, in case of serious complaints, first go to your doctor and get examined! These complaints are suitable to treat with this energetic method: - lung complaints - pain, chronic pain - menstrual complaints / hormonal imbalance - stress, tension - complaints to the musculoskeletal system and muscles - fatigue complaints, energy system - skin complaints - Sleep problems - headache Treatment is often not possible if: - you are pregnant - you have heart problems or a pacemaker - you have leukemia or an autoimmune disease - you suffer from a serious mental disorder - are under the age of 18 and do not have parental consent Please contact us if you suffer from this to see what the possibilities are Magnetizing is a form of laying on of hands, where the hands often hover just above the body. Reiki is the same kind of method where the hands can also be placed on the body. Long before our era, this way of healing is known among others in Indian culture, Egyptian cultures, but also in the Christian religion. Observing and working with energy and the energetic field around people, animals and plants is ancient. This energy, the life energy (sometimes also called prana, önd, chi, kundalini, Reiki), comes from the Cosmic Source and gives nourishment and life to everything in and around us. This is how it nourishes our body, flows through and around our body and provides it with energy to the core of all cells. Because our mind is not separate from the body, the life force also nourishes our mental processes, our emotions, our thoughts and our ideas; that are present in the energy field around us. Everything is alive, vibrating and has a certain frequency on the scale of life. We are a receiver and so can interact with these energies by attuning to them. These energies are always seeking balance. Also in our body and in our energetic field. Sometimes the balance can be so disturbed that we become ill. It can then help to bring the energetic body back into balance so that the self-healing capacity of the body can be activated. Illness can arise in the energetic field, for example due to an accident, but also due to unpleasant experiences that caused mental or physical pain and started to behave as a blockage in the energy flow of the body. You notice some of these blockages because you are tired or in pain, such as continuous headaches or sleeping problems. It is the task of the energetic practitioner to remove these blockages during the treatment and to improve the flow of energy by adding life energy from the Source to the body where the energy is reduced. Personally I work with the following bodies in this treatment: - the mental body - the emotional body - the etheric body - the physical body (*for the physical body I also refer you to themassage page ) In addition, I work with the following energy centers: - Abdominal Center * - Heart Center * - Third Eye Center * (*traditional siberian shamanic) or - The 7 Chakras Intake Before we schedule a session, or prior to the session, we have an intake interview. I will then ask some questions about your mental and physical health and what complaints you are coming for. This way I have more insight into the possible energetic causes and background. Of course, all this remains strictly confidential; I have a duty of confidentiality. I will also explain what you can expect from the treatment and you can indicate what you like or don't like. The treatment The treatment itself is done on a treatment table as with massage. I'll take care of that you are warm and comfortable. Then I treat the energetic field with the hands just above your body. So I don't touch you (this may be the case with physical complaints) and you can keep your clothes on. You can experience a pleasant warmth that emanates from it my hands comes. You can also fall asleep, which is no problem, and you can sometimes see images or have feelings that the treatment arouses. I cleanse and remove blockages, put colors in the energy field and am open for directions from my helpers. Sometimes I use tools, as: - the shamanic drum - a shamanic rattle - a pendulum - a shamanic mirror - stones (precious but also 'ordinary' stones) Afterwards we discuss the treatment, which takes half an hour or an hour, and we look for a possible follow-up appointment. Usually, just like with massage, three treatments are needed to make everything flow properly and to remove all blockages, sometimes it is too intense to do everything at once because then too much will come loose. But often we come a long way with one, in addition, it is also just wonderfully relaxing to undergo the treatment. Therapy : Intake: €25.00 incl. VAT 60 minus: € 73.50 incl. VAT If you are interested, send me an email via the contact form and we will schedule a session
- Public Rituals & Kamlanie | Izih-Deer-Kam
Every full and new moon, and on the equinoxes and solstices, I hold a public fire ritual from the shamanic perspective of classical (siberian) shamanism called 'Kamlanie'. Its translation is roughly, "The shaman who communicates with the spirits". The ritual aims at healing for participants and collaborating with the spirits of ancestors and nature to promote the prosperity of humanity, animals, nature and the whole Earth. During the light half of the year (between March and September), we add positive, healing energy to the collective field; for ourselves and humanity; that they may become more aware of the sacredness of Mother Earth and the interconnectedness between all of us; human, plant and animal and there is space for empowerment and healing of the full potential of clients/participants. We feed the Great Spirits of nature and the spirits of our immediate environment through the fire and our offerings, the shaman channels the spirits to give you a blessing from them. Our connection with the immediate environment is important to restore, the physical connection but also our invisible connections. In this way, we help restore very old traditional values that assume harmonious interaction between humans and the environment. This ritual contributes to this, especially when performed every month. In the dark half of the year (between September and March), we sacrifice to the ancestors; those who invisibly guide us and are our roots. In doing so, we give to the fire what no longer serves us and may be transformed, at the individual level and at the level of our community. The fire ritual is an ancient, powerful and transformative ritual in which people have experienced and initiated truly life-changing events. The spirits are energetically present, with us, with us, in harmony and connection, and can really bring about great changes in everyone's lives. We as humanity are in a transitional situation that will determine our future. There is a big climate problem which is partly due to our disrupted connection with Mother Earth and we are hurting her a lot, as well as her creatures and ourselves. Let's make a sacred fire together, drumming, singing and dancing, whatever you want, to help us humans go through this transition to another way of life well, that each may free themselves from limiting programmes and thoughts and remember the original human values and our connection to all that lives. Several people around the world (more than 150) participate in this ritual, remotely, at the same time. We create a network of shamans and shamanic practitioners working in the same way. Together, we heal our environment and provide regeneration for our pained Mother Earth. We activate old power places in nature or create new power places by doing these rituals. You can also participate at home with a special big candle that you can use for this purpose. Each little flame is fine, just as each of us adds a little energy to the whole so that together we can make a big difference. Fill in the ritual further in your own way but at least include the above intention. On instagram, certain themes are sometimes invoked by moon phases or moments in the year. The kamlanie ritual is a ritual for healing and transformation, not a seasonal celebration. It deals with personal and social themes with the aim of turning them around for the better and to thank and honour the spirits for all we are allowed to receive from them and life itself. The ceremonies are coordinated by me as well as by the international community Spirit of Wolf. Spirit of Wolf is an international organisation for the preservation of traditional shamanism and universal human values and stands for spreading shamanic thought in order to make people remember their connection to the Earth. In this way, Spirit of Wolf hopes for a more harmonious society of man and nature, respect for creation and for the Great Soul, and thus hopes to create a more hopeful future for our descendants. I myself am a personal student of shaman Morsuk Kam and have the Dutch office of Spirit of Wolf under my care. For application or membership, please contact me. Fundamental values of me and Spirit of Wolf are therefore: - spiritual freedom and self-empowerment through direct and profound experience - friendship, humanity, honouring diversity as the different expressions of the Great Soul - responsibility for one's own actions in love and respect for Mother Earth - truth and clarity in the light of the universal laws of nature and the universe We are all brothers and sisters, living under the same sky. We are the keepers of the Earth and the children of heaven. The ceremonies are public and a contribution is requested only from me and/or the owner/operator of the venue. A donation is compulsory, even if it is so small. It may be money (from this I buy offerings, wood, fuel, smoke herbs, again next time) but it may also be something else small such as an offering, a piece of coloured cloth, black tea, sage herbs, juniper bushes, special stones or other things that I can use in my work or something nice or enjoyable for the owner of the location. Giving gifts shows respect and a balanced exchange of energy. What can you bring (not required): - drum or rattle if you have one Offerings - from March 21 to September 21: - white foods such as white bread without salt, flour, rice, milk, cheese, sweets, sweet cakes, flowers From September 21 to March 21 (dark half of the year): - everything your ancestors loved, traditional food and drink from your country or your ancestors (this does not necessarily have to be the Netherlands) - white food such as white bread, flour, milk, sweets (really only bring a HUGE amount because it will soon become too much and otherwise we will have to have a second dinner) Signing up via email is mandatory! Location: Changes, send an email for sign up and location Location alternates between Gouderak, Amersfoort, Maasland Dates and times : 21 January 2023 4 February full moon 19 February new moon 4 March full moon 20 March Opening of the Gates of Heaven in Maasland 8 April Full Moon in Maasland 22 April Earth Day in Maasland 6 May full moon 20 May New Moon and Water Day in Maasland 3 June Full Moon 21 June Midsummer in Maasland 17 July New Moon 29 July Supermoon and Fire-Day in Maasland 16 August New Moon 18 August Land Spirits Ritual 4 September Full Moon 15 September New Moon September 23 Closing of Heaven Gates in Maasland 29 September full moon 14 October New Moon 28 October full moon and Dead Minute in Maasland 11 November New Moon 25 November Full Moon 16 December New Moon 21 December Midwinter in Maasland
- Visie, missie en kernwaarden | Izih-Deer-Kam
My vision Our society is out of balance. There is war, lust for power, materialism, exploitation of the Earth, animal suffering, and so on. Humanity seems to have lost respect for the Earth, the animals, the plants and to have forgotten that they are living, sentient beings. The position of women is closely related to this problem, there are many parallels. She who does not honor nature does not honor his own Mother, the Goddess, the woman. In addition, many people are badly grounded. We live in our head and have lost the connection with our body and the feeling nature. The balance is lost. In the west people have long focused only on Heaven, but the Earth under the feet where the ancestors rest, seems to have been forgotten. Humanity seems to be in a phase comparable to a severely adolescent child: egocentric, identity crisis, physical satiety, inability to keep measure, playing different roles and images and glorifying power and money. We put ourselves outside the seasons through lighting, 24-hour shops, food from distant countries and the burnout problem has never been greater. We are out of balance, don't have a stop button, life should always be fun, dark is scary and death is the end. We have forgotten that everything, including us, can be reborn in a different form as we see in nature and the seasons; after all, it is always morning and spring again ... We have lost this wisdom and we are afraid; have placed the divine outside of ourselves, forgot ancestors, stripped nature of its holiness by making it malleable, nature as a product, destined only for our insatiable hunger for MORE. Time for a turnaround. Time to step out of the head and into the body, out of the clouds and onto the Earth. Time to remember old values from the Motherland and traditional communities that live in close contact with nature in order to regain balance and realize that we are all connected. My mission is to create a new world view in which unity is more important than hierarchical values and in which there is a balance between thinking and feeling. For a new world in which balance with ourselves, each other and nature is more important than materialistic, self-centered, power-based values that unfortunately reign supreme today. From an anthropocentric to an ecocentric world. My mission is to bring about healing in consideration of all levels: energetic, physical, mental and emotional - bringing body and mind into harmony with natural means, given to us by nature and its simplicity. My mission is to bring into contact women and men back to the female nature, shamanism and the pre-Indo-European culture, also known as "The Motherland". To accept feminine nature for what she is, learn to appreciate the cyclical feminine in herself and other women and men and how to use it for different purposes such as creativity, social support, personal development, to create a society in which man and woman are equal to each other. My mission is to rediscover European (feminine) esoteric traditions and to introduce them to women and society in a modern - yet as close as possible to the original - way. The feminine tradition - which has been passed on through symbols, stories, myths - is being re-recognized through re-learning to think in symbolic language. My mission is to bring people into contact with traditional shamanism in order to experience these connections again and to develop the sense of community, with people but also with plants and animals. Core values In this fast-paced 24-hour world where we are so strongly tempted to focus solely on external things, it is important to stay close to ourselves and our core values. These are the roots of our actions and can help us set priorities and ease difficult issues from the conscience. Below you will find my spiritual core values. - I stand for spiritual freedom and self-actualization and self-empowerment through own experience - I stand for friendship, humanity, understanding and honor diversity as different expressions of Great Spirit (God) - I stand for responsible use of Earth's resources and actions that show respect for the planet - I stand for clarity and truth regarding the sacred laws of nature and the universe (such as the sacred cycle) and balance between man and woman. - I stand for an equal world in balance, especially of masculine and feminine energy and light and dark in the Great Cosmic cycle. - I stand for the passing of the fire, not the worship of the ashes. Which means that I do not want to exactly reconstruct things from the past without an eye for the modern age and also that I do not stand for the guilty of groups of people from the past. - I stand with all my heart for the unspeakable love and power of the True Self, which is connected to the Source / Great Spirit. Fundamentals In the jungle of spiritual traditions, movements and religions in the Netherlands and Western Europe, it is important to think for ourselves what we believe and not let ourselves be fragmented and carried away with all the different perspectives. Below you can see my starting points in my spiritual life and work, which give direction to my method and life. - The Divine Beginning, the Great Spirit, God or any other name we give to the Absolute Source and the Cosmos - everything that has existed, exists and will continue to exist - is eternal. Matter and energy are one. Nothing can be considered truly 'dead' since there is no such thing as the absolute absence of motion. - Every particle of Being is connected with all others. This is more than the belief in the unity of the universe, it is the understanding that all things are interconnected in the great energy web of the cosmos. It is this understanding that allows a person to travel from one level to another and learn things by connecting directly with them. - Everything around us is alive. Everything emits energetic vibrations: animals, trees, plants and even rocks. Each being is a part of the life of another being, and each has his or her own life, or some way of expressing his or her essence in the spirit of the Great Spirit that gave him or her life. Other forms of life have a different organization from the human ones and serve a specific purpose that they fulfill. Each of them has a consciousness that is different from ours, but still organizes the world in its own experience. Once internalized, this principle changes man's relationship with the earth and its environment. There are inner zones of reality that regulate and influence external perception. In these inner worlds there are assistants, advisers and teachers who have the power to effect changes in the external reality. - Everything that exists is an integral part of the whole. - Circular movement is present everywhere in the universe and in everything. Linear time is an illusion. There is no absolute end, just as there is no absolute beginning in it. The three Matrons or Norns are one of the beautiful expressions of this. - The universe exists as an expression of the will and mind of Great Spirit. - Everything that exists in the universe has life, but it is experienced differently. Nothing can be considered really dead because there is no state in the world like the complete absence of movement. The soul is eternal regardless of the form it takes. - Everything consists of the same primary elements and perceives the same energy flows, but individual beings arrange their perception in different ways as they try to express their essence in their own way in the mind of Great Spirit. Thus everything develops according to the laws of their existence. - The development of us as human beings takes place in the constant search for harmony and balance in all things. - Any form of energy that we send out eventually returns to ourselves. This is because we are all One. Mind rules matter. Thoughts, images, visualization, words and actions create reality and physical changes. - Everything that exists is born of a woman. Everything that exists owes its existence to the Divine Feminine.
- ~ Shamanic healing | Izih-Deer-Kam
Shamanic Healing Shamanism is about restoring balance within yourself, between you and others and the world around you. A shamanic way of life recognizes that everything is alive and has a consciousness, although different from ours. We therefore also recognize that we are more than just a body of flesh and bones. That there is a soul, spirit and non-physical bodies. This can be found in various religious cultures around the world; we are a coherence of different parts and energies that are connected and interact with each other. We are a holistic being, we are more than our body, more than our brain. We recognize in shamanism that there is more than the eye can see or science can (now) determine. Shamanic healing is about restoring balance between different parts of ourselves and working with the spirits (helpers). The energy condensed into pain, discomfort and other illnesses is viewed within traditional shamanism as a spirit that the shaman can contact. With this she can also ask whether the disease wants to leave the body. A healing session can provide relief for problems in various areas, including psychological problems, emotional and physical complaints. People often come to me when other ways have not worked (sufficiently) or in combination with a regular process to use shamanism as extra support. I am therefore not a substitute for a doctor or psychiatrist, and will certainly refer you if I think it is necessary or if I think I am not the right person for you. I have good contacts with psychologists in my area. A healing session will not only possibly remove the cause of the complaint, but also has an effect on many other processes that can be improved with it. examples of complaints: - fibromyalgia - generalized fears - depressive complaints - allergies and other sensitivities - insecurities and lack of personal strength - chronic inflammation - skin diseases - menstrual complaints and hormonal imbalance - reduced resistance - trauma - asthma Shamanic healing looks holistically at the person and in particular at the cause of the complaint, and can be a good addition to an existing treatment with the doctor or psychologist and is completely safe. Often a healing consists of a ritual, or rituals over a longer period, in which you cooperate with the helping spirits, mine and yours, in combination with rituals that you sometimes also have to perform yourself. These are often ancestors. In healing work I look at a number of things: - energy blockages in the life force and energy centers (similar to chakra system) - psychological or emotional causes such as old pain, trauma - balance male/female energy - blockages in personal power - problems in the ancestor line - Balance in the element system - presence of destructive programs (curses) - presence of entities/hitchhikers/heavy energies/parasites etc. - Status of the nervous system (polyvagal theory) What I can do then is: - Extraction rituals - Let energy blockages in the life force flow again - Traditional healing method 'Wolf medicine' - Letting go of old pain through rituals - Cooperate with specific spirits - Cooperate with the power of power places - Shamanic Massage - Elemental healing - Removal of energetic 'programs' and curses - Restoring balance between male and female energy - Opening of the White Road - Individual Rite of the Womb (Uterus Healing) - Healing ancestral line - Clearing energetic cords / breaking energetic contracts - Influencing threads of fate (past-present-future) - Working with archaic symbol keys - Hypnosis sessions - Working with energetic help from plant spirits in the form of flower essences and plant extracts (no psychoactive substances) and stone spirits Often the treatment consists of a combination of a number of the above methods This may sound vague, but in practice it is often very logical, accessible and down-to-earth. You also often receive something from me, an amulet, or an exercise that you can do at home or another object to continue working on recovery yourself. A session usually lasts 1.5 hours, I often ask in advance if we can call about what is wrong. Of course everything is and remains strictly confidential, unless you or another person is in mortal danger. Sometimes I do something for you in addition to or later in my own time, such as taking you into daily healing rituals. Often several sessions are done, depending on the severity of the complaints. Sometimes the sessions are in quick succession, sometimes the whole process takes half a year. Intake - 30 minutes: €25.00 incl. VAT Online/Distance Healing Session - 60 min: € 73.50 incl. VAT Healing session in practice in Haastrecht - per 60 min: € 73.50 incl. VAT If you are interested, send oneemail requesting an intake or more information. If you have no money but still need help; send a message anyway, there is always something to arrange. Good luck and prosperity: white roads! Betalen €83,5 Betalen intake
- ~ Cosmic Flame Healing | Izih-Deer-Kam
Rainbow Healing - The Cosmic Flames A treatment with what we call "the cosmic rays" or the "cosmic flames" is a treatment based on the great streams of color that emanate from the cosmos. These are perceived and experienced in the form of colors and are channeled into the body by the shaman. The cosmic colors are those of the rainbow and more. They are specific qualities of the eternal light of the cosmos, and in this case Blue, Yellow, Violet, Red, White, Green, Orange and then Gold, Silver and Platinum. This form of healing is sometimes combined with other techniques but is a standalone treatment. It focuses on all levels, just as the life force flows everywhere, it can remove blockages in the energetic body or / and add energy. With this treatment, not only the self-healing capacity of the body is activated, but also specific sub-areas where these rays go. The healing method with the cosmic rays is extremely suitable for a somewhat softer form of healing or flow. A color bath is slowly set up for you as a client, this time you are also relaxing on a warm massage table with a blanket over you and around you are worked with stones, color and scent. The treatment is not a substitute for treatment for a doctor, but can be a supplement or speed up healing. So, if you have serious complaints, first go to your doctor and get examined! These complaints are suitable to treat with this energetic method: - personality problems fears - immunity problems - spiritual meaning questions - emotional issues - physical discomfort such as pain Treatment is often not possible if: - you are pregnant - you have heart problems or a pacemaker - you suffer from a serious mental disorder - are under the age of 18 and do not have parental consent Please contact us if you suffer from this to see what the possibilities are The life energy (sometimes also called prana, önd, chi, kundalini, Reiki), comes from the Cosmic Source and gives nourishment and life to everything in and around us and at a given moment branches into sub-areas, so one can also work much more focused . Because our mind is not separate from the body, the life force also nourishes our mental processes, our emotions, our thoughts and our ideas; that are present in the energy field around us. Everything is alive, vibrating and has a certain frequency on the scale of life. It is the task of the shaman/practitioner to improve the flow of a certain focused energy in the treatment by collecting the specific cosmic ray within himself, with the help of the personal helpers, and adding it to the physical body and the subtle bodies of the client where it is needed. . What will you notice during this treatment: - instant relief from (physical or emotional) pain and discomfort - tingling in a pleasant way - very deep relaxation - personal insights - answers to life questions - contact with ancestors or past lives - loving presence ity I specialize in the Violet Flame, one of the most powerful transducers and alchemical forces in the world. Intake Before we schedule a session, or prior to the session, we have an intake interview. I will then ask some questions about your mental and physical health and what complaints you are coming for. This way I have more insight into the possible energetic causes and background. Of course, all this remains strictly confidential; I have a duty of confidentiality. I will also explain what you can expect from the treatment and you can indicate what you like or don't like. The treatment The treatment itself is done on a treatment table as with massage. I'll take care of that you are warm and comfortable. Then I treat the energetic field with the hands just above your body. So I don't touch you (this may be the case with physical complaints) and you can keep your clothes on. I cleanse and remove blockages, put colors in the energy field and am open for directions from my helpers. Sometimes I use tools, as: - the shamanic drum - symbols as shown on the right - a shamanic mirror - stones (precious but also 'ordinary' stones) Afterwards we discuss the treatment, which takes half an hour or an hour, and we look for a possible follow-up appointment. Usually, just like with massage, three treatments are needed to make everything flow properly and to remove all blockages, sometimes it is too intense to do everything at once because then too much will come loose. But often we come a long way with one, in addition, it is also just wonderfully relaxing to undergo the treatment. Therapy : Intake: €25.00 incl. VAT 60 minus: € 73.50 incl. VAT If you are interested, send me an email via the contact form and we will schedule a session
- Home | Izih-Deer-Kam
Welcome Welcome to the website of Izih Kam, shamanic healing and ritual work. I work within the Northwestern European and also Siberian shamanistic field and help people with psychological and physical complaints, help them to get rid of psychological, energetic and emotional charge and help them reconnect with the original power sources of nature and the natural world. ancestors. In this way all forces can take their proper place, harmony is created and thus promotes the health of body, mind and soul. I give shamanistic consultations , healing work , energetic treatment , massage , have a specialization in women's work, work with oracles and guide people on their own shamanistic path, individually and in groups. Detailed information on these and additional topics can be found under "Services" . It is a special, important and honorable task to make people rediscover themselves and to find the strength in themselves to make life worth living again, to be able to enjoy it and to notice positive effects in all areas from a renewed connection. As a representative and guardian of an ancient shamanic tradition, I work according to the laws of nature and the ethical code that goes with it. I also try to teach this to my fellow human beings and those seeking help so that they can enrich their lives and restore the balance in the world around them. In times of disharmony in our world, which manifests itself in lust for power, degeneration of moral values and the destruction of nature for our own gain - it is extremely important to restore our contact with nature, to renew the value of Mother Earth and Father Heaven. as well as our interconnectedness. In this period of confusion, destructive worldviews and behaviors, I am committed to preserving archaic culture and the shamanic and cultural heritage and its values and ethics. I do this as a member and representative of (the Dutch office of) the international community of 'Spirit of Wolf' . From this organization I hold fire rituals called ' Kamlanie ' around the new and full Moon for the benefit of the healing of people, the community and the well-being of our planet and thus the descendants. If you want to contact us to book a session or other service, click on "Contact" or mail to oervrouw.witteraaf@gmail.com Kamlanie fire ritual - calling of the spirits
- ~ Shamanic Massage | Izih-Deer-Kam
Shamanic Massage Massage is a good way to relax, loosen muscle knots, stimulate blood flow and remove toxins. Energetic blockages can also be released through physical massage and for many people it is a good way to get out of the head and thus restore contact with their body. Shamanism is always intertwined with my work and in the massage through working with the spirits and especially the elemental spirits. Classic Massage I have completed a training in Classical - also Swedish - Massage (with anatomy) at Mood Massage Training Courses. The Classic Massage is the most famous massage form and is the predecessor of the sports massage. The following techniques are discussed: - Palpation (sensory examination) - Intermittent printing (relaxation and habituation) - Effleurages (ironing with oil) - Petrissages (kneading without oil) - Frictions (very local technique) - Shakes (relaxation) - Tapotages (activating) A massage is normally always the back, legs and arms (incl. Feet and hands), but you can always adjust this according to need or complaint, I can also massage based on intuition, so I pay attention to what I feel. Sometimes I make use of herbal smoke, gemstones, color and being open to messages that come through during the treatment. Cupping is also possible. Benefits of a massage Everyone always associates massage with relaxation, and of course nothing could be further from the truth. However, there are several benefits to be gained with massage, this is also due to the form of the massage of course. With the Classic Massage we are talking about the following: - promotes blood flow - deep relaxation - lowers blood pressure - loosens tense muscles - loosens muscle knots - improves the immune system - disposal of waste - better awareness and contact with the body - improves sleep - deepening of breathing - removal of excess moisture - positive effect on mood (production of oxytin) - decrease in heart rate - better flow of life energy Element energies A massage can last 30 minutes or 60 During the massage I use the guidance of the spirits and I work together with the element spirits Earth, Water, Fire and Air. They tell me the balance in the body on a physical and energetic level and it may be that afterwards, in consultation with you, I ask the element to come and help restore the balance. This can be in the form of: - adulation - sprinkling with water or working with ice - candles - working with mud or earth Nothing happens in consultation, so together we determine what is needed to get body and mind back into balance. Practical issues A massage can last 30 minutes or 60 minutes, whatever you need. The massage can be complaint-oriented, for example if you suffer from your shoulders, I pay extra attention to this, but can also be generally relaxing or in combination with a shamanic healing session. An intuitive massage is also possible. You can indicate this in advance. You also indicate in advance what I can and cannot massage, whether you have pain somewhere, whether you are chronically ill or other things that are relevant for me to know before we start the treatment. Of course you will not come if you suffer from symptoms that could indicate a recent Covid-19 infection. The massage is given in my practice room in Haastrecht and you don't have to bring anything yourself, at most some clothes that you can easily put on and take off, such as sweatpants. You will receive a cup of tea in advance and a nice cold glass of water afterwards. I always work hygienic / mouth mask, and will sometimes ask a question during the massage about, for example, the pressure or the things that I consider necessary but may be different than you are used to, such as frictions (applying pressure to a button or tendon attachment to increase blood flow. stimulate and dispose of waste); which can sometimes be quite unexpected. 30 minutes massage: € 37, - inc. VAT * (only the back, or back, arms, legs at an activating pace) 60-minute massage : € 56, - incl.VAT * (back, legs, arms) This includes a 15-minute anamnesis interview in advance * If you are interested in a massage, send a message via the contact form. I will then ask you some short questions about your expectations and wishes and arrange a date with you. I hope to see you!
- House Cleaning | Izih-Deer-Kam
House Cleaning Ritual Normally, you feel comfortable in your own house, feel at home and unwind. You can usually work, live and sleep well in your own home. However, it sometimes happens that you don't feel comfortable in your own home. You feel like you are being rushed, or that there is a room in the house you would rather not enter, maybe you are scared in your own home and you have the feeling that something is wrong but you can't put your finger on what exactly it is. Sometimes, however, it is so bad that you are permanently tense and things in the house move around or doors stand up that you had really closed anyway. There are several causes for the above problems, it could be that something very nasty has happened in the house you live in. That someone has died in a nasty way, but it could also be that there have been a lot of arguments in the house, and the energy from that has "stuck" or stuck, in the house. This is always the case to some extent, of course it is then an idea to give your house a good energetic cleansing once or twice a year! A purification ritual can then be a godsend. I take the time to check your house and then energetically cleanse it thoroughly so that blockages or any entities will leave your house again and you can live relaxed again. A house purification takes about 2 hours and costs around €110,- + travel allowance 0,19 cents p/km. We usually agree on the price together, also based on the size of the house and the situation. Would you like to book a house purification with me? Then send me an e-mail.